Bonkers Half-Assed Midnight: Winterbeast
Director: Christopher Thies Run Time: 76 min. Release Year: 1992
Starring: Bob Harlow, Charles Majka, Lissa Breer, Mike Magri, Tim R. Morgan
Synopsis: A film which truly justifies the term “unclassifiable,” WINTERBEAST was shot on and off for nearly half a decade and with a mix of super 8mm and 16mm, resulting in a one of a kind piece of outsider art-horror filmmaking that must be seen to be believed. When The Wild Goose Lodge is overrun with mutilation-minded beastoids, it’s up to Sergeant Whitman and Forest Ranger Stillman to take care of business! But what about the creepiest lodge proprietor who ever creeped around in a plaid suit, Mr. Sheldon? And what about Whitman’s shape-shifting mustache?! Loaded with surreal dialogue, mind-blowing stop motion animation, homemade gore effects, and more than a few genuinely creepy moments, this forgotten cult gem has been newly restored and reconstructed from its original film elements.
Saturday, December 14, 2024: 10:00 PM
Ticket Prices: $13 Regular / $11 Students & Seniors / $9 Members
Trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PPS3NRG3fdk&ab_channel=GroovyDoom